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Important works for good health

Health - An important asset


Health is a very important asset of human life and any kind of compromise regarding this will lead to complete life blockage.

In this blog, I'll be providing you with the complete package for perfect care of human health

Some of the topics I'll cover in this blog are What should be the perfect start of the day following with the yoga for your healthy organs or body. 

And the most important thing is that what intake of food will prevent you from the pandemic and will boost your immune system. Also suggesting what should be the best time to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

I'm dividing this blog into three sections for easy grasping of the information that is to be perceived. The first and the foremost section of the day is the morning/sunrise section from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

The second section starts from 10:30 AM to 2:00 AM is the noon section.

The third one is the evening section from 5:00 PM till bedtime. 


The first thing that every person should do is wake up EARLY in the morning so that a beneficial interaction with the environment can take place.

 In the hectic life, this becomes compulsory and emerges as an essential need. So one should wake at 6:30 AM. 

In the pandemic, you should start with 2 glasses of warm water. It's not like that warm water prevents this deadly virus but there are other benefits of having warm water in the morning. 

Like intake of warm water proves beneficial for the skin, stomach, head, and nerves as well. 

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper".

The conclusion is that the breakfast is the chief meal for the day. 

After completing morning rituals and before going for a compulsory workout, exercise, or yoga you can have soaked dry fruits.
Better if you first take the raisins water ( left overnight) empty stomach. The perk of having this is the removal of toxins from the body, purity sugar, maintains heart health. 

After completing a workout, the body needs rich protein and this can be satisfied with smoothies. The best-preferred smoothie is banana smoothie ( ingredients 2 banana, a glass of milk, honey, peanut butter). 

This set completes the entire protein need for the body and gives a healthy kick start of the day. This excludes breakfast. 

A healthy breakfast is mandatory which should get completed around 10:30 just 1 hour after having a smoothie. 

Some of the healthy breakfasts are eggs, oatmeal, sandwiches, poha. 
Note* Please avoid excess oil in the morning. Our morning session ends here. 


So it's all comes to lunch like a prince. India is already famous for its Haute cuisine. 

Spicy, mouth-watering veggies, seasonal vegetables with some side roll having papad, buttermilk, makhana, always ready to have street food, everything Shahi and Royal following their traditional culture of the country. 

Indians are soo foodie and big-hearted, all they need is good food whether they are on dieting. Oh come on Indian dieting is different. (lol) 

It's good following the culture But for the sake of the body, one should avoid excess oil, ghee, deep fry things, etc. 

Because in today's scenario the rate at which diseases spread and especially at what age you may get the disease no one knows. The body needs fat, oil, but not that in excess everything in excess harms in excess. One should have good cholesterol. 

I suggest having a meal with protein-rich, seasonal vegetables, whole grains, a small side of your favourite dressing, and desserts. 

What you should avoid is processed food such as pre-made meals, canned soups and etc.

The perfect time for lunch is 2:00 PM.  

Please drink an adequate amount of water or liquid in a day as much as you can. And the requirement of water is fully filled after having lunch. 

Evening session:

Food gets diggest in 3 hours easily so one should feel hungry around 5 p.m.

At this juncture, one should avoid heavy intake of food because heavy eating after 5:00 pm is bad for the digestive system.

Best preferred at this point of time is seasonal fruits, juices, shakes, and lots of water. 

The dinner portions are shocking for you guys because there is a nonentity for you in dinner. But guys for your vigour it is everything. 

The foremost important is you eat light and early dinner. Dinner entails vegetables, beans and pulses for vegetarians and meat, fish for non-vegetarian. Also, have rice, dal, curry and tortillas, of course, desserts. 

Make sure you wind up your meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. I suggest you should have dinner at around 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Stay healthy and free from COVID 19:

1. Eat fresh and avoid processed foods.

2. Drink lots of water in a day especially warm water at least 2 times a day. 

3. Avoid Crystal sugar and less usage of salt.

4. Start consuming unsaturated fats rather than saturated fats. 

5. A temporary ban on outings is crucial.

6. Have faith in yourself and stay safe.

Follow this perfect plan regular and stay healthy. 



  1. This was really informative but ye subha 6 bje uthne vali baat shi nhi lagiπŸ˜…

  2. Perfect schedule... Everyone should follow


  3. The way you drink water has an impact on your overall health, according to Ayurvedic principles. Isn't it fascinating? Ayurveda has a number of views on how to drink water that have been used for centuries. In this blog post, we'll learn some useful Ayurvedic tips on how to drink water properly for a healthy lifestyle of children. To know more visit @


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